Sommeliers Restaurant (2013) was introduced to commemorate Claus J. Riedel‘s revolutionary Sommeliers series first presented at the Italian Sommeliers congress in Orvieto (October 1973) celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2013. Claus Riedel was the first glass maker in history to discover that the shape of the glass affects the enjoyment of wine. Riedel created 2013 the Sommeliers Restaurant glasses to answer the demand of the hospitality industries for varietal-specific glassware which heightens the wine experience for the guest. In order to avoid confusion will each Sommeliers Restaurant glass carry on the base it‘s own identification highlighting “Riedel Restaurant“ on the stem‘s base.
御用餐廳系列(2013)為了紀念Claus J. Riedel先生的革命性變革和慶祝成立40周年,在2013年舉辦的意大利侍酒大會上推出了這款御用餐廳系列。Claus Riedel是歷史上第一個發現葡萄酒杯的形狀直接影響到品酒的效果的人。Riedel創造了御用餐廳系列(2013)通過提供多變的卻也是特定的杯子去提高客戶的品酒體驗,滿足了餐飲行業的需求。
系列:RESTAURANT SOMMELIERS 御用餐廳系列 品名:BORDEAUX GRAND CRU 波爾多杯 型號: 0300/00 高度: 270 mm, 10-5/8" 容量:800ml 件裝:6支/件